Hovedløst begær

Hovedløst begær

Hovedløst begær

InstruktørKim Lysgaard Andersen
Manuskript     Kim Lysgaard Andersen
Producer          Kim Lysgaard Andersen
Fotograf           Søren Hiorth
Medvirkende: Maibritt Saerens, Michael Carøe, Jørn Faurschou



Gyserkomedie om den løgnagtige hustru, som slår sin elsker ihjel forøjnene af sin jaloux ægtemand. Elskeren bliver begravet i baghaven, men kommer tilbage fra de døde. Ikke fordi han er vred over at være slået ihjel, men fordi han “ikke er færdig!” En hyldest til creepshow.



Maibritt Saerens is the two timing bitch, who kills her lover (Michael Carøe) in front of the husband (Jørn Faurschou). They bury the lover in the backyard. But the lover returns from the dead. Hes not angry about being wasted, but he didnt finish what he started; He didnt come!

This movie is about: Coitus interruptus flying to Bangladesh, but getting off in Bombay zombies, headless lovers, blood, orgasm, and the devil. All of these ingredients are cleverly put together in this black horror comedy from director Kim Lysgaard Andersen. If you remember and loved the classic Creepshow, this film is a must see. If you dont, you should certainly give the genre a try. You have never seen anything like it in Danish film. And thats a promise. The production value is high. Theres lot of comedy, tons of blood, and nowhere to run.

korebill-hovedlost-begaer   maibritt-hovedlost-begaer

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